Building a global coalition to end chemical pollution in the ocean

The challenge:

Bring stakeholders with competing agendas together on a tough global issue

Economist Impact and The Nippon Foundation want to reframe the discourse around ocean pollution from a focus on plastics to a broader dialogue which includes chemicals and other contaminants. They launched an evidence-based initiative, Back to Blue, and asked us to spearhead stakeholder engagement and content strategy for the multi-year global initiative.

Our solution:

An integrated stakeholder engagement strategy across teams and timezones

In collaboration with a governance expert, we benchmarked corporate governance policies, mandates and disclosure patterns to identify a market baseline. We interviewed experts and practitioners to uncover off-the-record governance issues on the horizon. We conducted a regulatory sweep to identify the ESG trends on regulators’ watch list. As well as examining corporate governance red flags drawing the attention of AI-based investor platforms.

The outcome:

A stakeholder co-designed roadmap for change

From here, Back to Blue is undertaking a collaborative global process to co-design a roadmap to close the marine pollution data gap, led by The Action Exchange. Our global stakeholder consultation process involves marine scientists, research funders, policymakers, investors and business leaders in a series of workshops, discussion papers and a virtual hackathon, and we plan to publish a draft roadmap in early 2024.

Examples of The Action Exchange’s published work include:

The Zero-Pollution Ocean:

A call to close the evidence gap

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The Invisible Wave:

a deep dive research report into marine chemical pollution (co-author)

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A series of short executive briefings, including:

From risk to reward:

investments for a circular plastics economy

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A treaty of true cost:

recalibrating the economics of the plastics industry

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A long and winding road:

chemicals and the plastics value chain

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